Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been thinking a lot lately, about this definition of home and how i feel. Man, over my 23 years of life i have been to 6 countires and who knows how many states in the US. I have traveled to many places I would like to call home someday...or would I? I could live in Berlin, but would it really be home without my friends and family.... hmmmm. Maybe this is why my mother longs to return to Colorado. I always have this feeling in my heart that i will soemday be back in California, i mean for god sakes, why not? i grew up there, it formed my way of thinking, i compare everywhere i go to it....maybe you lok back at what is the most familiar....maybe that is home...the familiar? On my travels out here in Europe, I find myself gettting home sick for Trier after a week away... why is this? because it is familiar? it is not my home though...or is it?

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